"That’s Beyond the Scope of the Course" (Not Anymore)
Recently, the popular phrase from the Wizard of Oz “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore” came to mind. After a month of my pharmacology master’s program, this phrase captures how I feel about the differences between classes at the undergraduate and graduate level. During multiple lectures in both the inflammation and infectious disease modules, I realized that I had seen the material before, that I had studied in undergrad, but that the level of detail and understanding required of us is far beyond the scope of many undergraduate courses. Consequently, I had to adjust my study habits to make sure I could get through all of the material and actually learn it. It is at this moment that I would like to thank the brilliant minds behind Anki and Yuja, on behalf of graduate students everywhere! This past month has been a tremendous time for personal growth, as well as academic. Having attended Tulane for my undergraduate career, New Orleans and its wealth of food and liv...