"That’s Beyond the Scope of the Course" (Not Anymore)
Recently, the popular phrase from the Wizard of Oz “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore” came to mind. After a month of my pharmacology master’s program, this phrase captures how I feel about the differences between classes at the undergraduate and graduate level. During multiple lectures in both the inflammation and infectious disease modules, I realized that I had seen the material before, that I had studied in undergrad, but that the level of detail and understanding required of us is far beyond the scope of many undergraduate courses. Consequently, I had to adjust my study habits to make sure I could get through all of the material and actually learn it. It is at this moment that I would like to thank the brilliant minds behind Anki and Yuja, on behalf of graduate students everywhere!
This past month has been a tremendous time for personal growth, as well as academic. Having attended Tulane for my undergraduate career, New Orleans and its wealth of food and live music is something I’m well acquainted with, but the people and places that I’m spending most of my time with is a change from undergrad and put me out of my comfort zone more than I expected. Along with this, balancing classes, research, and looking for community service opportunities have changed how I manage my time. Not to mention adopting a dog, with a seemingly endless amount of energy is just another factor in the equation. Although I have not completed any community service yet, I am expecting to continue with coaching middle school debate at a local middle school. This was one of the most challenging, yet rewarding service opportunities I’ve had and am eager to continue!
Service Hours:
September: 0
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