A Student's Challenges during a "New Normal"

If you spend 10 minutes watching the news you're likely to hear someone mention the phrase "the new normal" in reference to the guidelines on social distancing and conduct during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, for me and I'm sure many others, life right now feels far from normal. It simultaneously feels like an eternity and just yesterday that my classmates and I were still attending live lectures and seminars. The first couple of weeks being under stay-at-home orders and virtual classrooms honestly didn't feel too different. The academic aspects of being a student, while different, were not completely upended. I attended online lectures, studied for exams, and continued working on my thesis. After the first couple of weeks, I really began to feel the changes to my everyday life in the social aspects of being a student. The absence of things that seem truly minor like chatting with someone before or after class became significant. Being unable to truly engage in a community that had been a huge portion of my life for the past 7 months was difficult. I think creating avenues that keep students socially engaged with each other in a meaningful way is one of the biggest challenges that universities face during this "new normal".

In other news, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! There was a rough two-week stretch, where my thesis work had gotten behind. I've been able to get back on track and should be wrapping up very soon! Graduation is right around the corner and then I'm off to Washington D.C. at the end of May. My partner is starting her Ph.D. at Georgetown in the fall and I'm currently on the job hunt and planning to reapply for medical schools next May. Since this is my last post, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on what an incredible experience the past school year has been despite the current pandemic. Back in August, I wouldn't have expected to experience this much growth as a student. The faculty constantly went above and beyond to ensure we understood the topics and also challenged us to think critically. Overall, I'm sad that this is how our program has to end, but I'm forever grateful for everything my professors and classmates have taught me.

Roll Wave,



  1. Absolutely! I understand the struggle with pricey dental treatments. Have you explored buying medications online safely. It's a potential option to save some bucks while still getting the care you need. Just be sure to do your homework and pick trustworthy sources.


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